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Evan Williams, creator of Twitter, talks about it's explosive growth!

Twitter co-founder Evan Williams talks about how Twitter expanded in size over 10 times during one year alone.  The users themselves actually shaped Twitter and moved it on from it's original purpose as a broadcasting stream.  It's an amazing exam...

Wish you had more confidence?

Have you ever been in a situation where you really wished you'd had more confidence?  Let's face it, who hasn't!  Sometimes you can hear yourself saying: 'part of me really wants to go for that new job, but part of me thinks I'll never be able to ...

Think Social Media a Waste of Time?

Watch the latest version of the Socialnomics video - you won't think it's a waste of time any longer.  Some of these stats are amazing!  Follow this link to watch a truly amazing video clip.  It'll make you rethink you're marketing strategy - ther...

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